Monday, August 18, 2014

Wilmington Loviin

Hello from Wilmington! I've been trying to stay motivated and working on new projects. Right now the words "Crucifix Heart" are on the brain for a new concept... I'll keep you posted. It stems from the struggles and frustrations that come with graduating and/or a huge transition in life... basically what I'm going through. I'm trying to take the negative and put it in my art to make something beautiful! I starting writing a little something that put the imagery in my head... It started with the looming words "THEY" in my notebook...

They watch
They wait 
for you to fail
They hold their breath til
they can say "I told you you were frail"
They stalk your sleep 
They crush your dreams 
They don't want what's best cause 
they detest 
to see you reach supreme.
They cheer,
they wail, 
they say you're great
but it's too little, too late
because it turns to hate as soon as you set sail.
"You're out of your mind, 
be kind,
you're wasting your time,"
they chime to no avail
Because to them a dime weighs more than your mind,
and your heart deserves a nail.

I'll post more as it progresses, but here are some super preliminary ideas :


And some stuff I did earlier, but I am thinking will work well with the concept/ I just really like them :)


And here's my studio. It's still kind of messy, and that plywood is going to be a work bench for wood work. And a closer look at my visualization board that is still in progress... but I would encourage you all to do one with things you want to happen/ dreams so they get in your head and create positive attitudes and actions :)

Thanks loves! I'll post more progress soon! Let me know what you think so far! 

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