Monday, August 18, 2014

Keeping Sculpture Going for the Summer

Hey All

Playing with some clay to keep my creative juices flowing for when I go up to SCAD Atlanta to finish up my sculpture major. Keeping with a theme I have about taking different paths and how those decisions effect what is to come. Crossing barriers and thresholds that create permanent changes. These decisions we make layer us to form who we are. Also themes of inevitable movement with time and the precariousness that comes with it. 

Some work in progress made from clay 
I know they are still boxy

Working Title: Passages
Working Title: Marked Guardians
Meander Series 
I will hopefully have the surfaced and finished soon. 

Wilmington Loviin

Hello from Wilmington! I've been trying to stay motivated and working on new projects. Right now the words "Crucifix Heart" are on the brain for a new concept... I'll keep you posted. It stems from the struggles and frustrations that come with graduating and/or a huge transition in life... basically what I'm going through. I'm trying to take the negative and put it in my art to make something beautiful! I starting writing a little something that put the imagery in my head... It started with the looming words "THEY" in my notebook...

They watch
They wait 
for you to fail
They hold their breath til
they can say "I told you you were frail"
They stalk your sleep 
They crush your dreams 
They don't want what's best cause 
they detest 
to see you reach supreme.
They cheer,
they wail, 
they say you're great
but it's too little, too late
because it turns to hate as soon as you set sail.
"You're out of your mind, 
be kind,
you're wasting your time,"
they chime to no avail
Because to them a dime weighs more than your mind,
and your heart deserves a nail.

I'll post more as it progresses, but here are some super preliminary ideas :


And some stuff I did earlier, but I am thinking will work well with the concept/ I just really like them :)


And here's my studio. It's still kind of messy, and that plywood is going to be a work bench for wood work. And a closer look at my visualization board that is still in progress... but I would encourage you all to do one with things you want to happen/ dreams so they get in your head and create positive attitudes and actions :)

Thanks loves! I'll post more progress soon! Let me know what you think so far! 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Boundary Love from Portland

Hey all,

Sami here, just graduated along with many amazing artists. I have recently relocated to Portland, OR from Savannah, GA / San Francisco, CA. Right now I am putting together my studio, pulling out the paints and hitting the easel pretty hard. I do admit it is harder than it sounds to do it without the community supporting you, that is what the Boundary Movement is for. Comment with your observations, suggestions, experiences and critiques! Kristen and I (and I am sure many other young emerging artists) need a sense of the art community, even if it is online!

Here is how the studio is coming:

Working on a series of oil paintings based on aerial landscapes, I'll be sharing those soon!
Show us your studio!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

BE The Movement!

The Boundary Movement is finally happening! For those of you who aren't sure what this is all about, the conversation for this movement began in Boundary Hall's wood shop towards the end of this past Spring. We knew that with many of us graduating and Boundary Hall's closing there would be a sizable void in leaving the magic of the sculpture building. The energy flow and vision in Boundary was unlike anything I had experienced in any other department or campus and the people that made it home are the best I will ever meet. We needed a source and a forum outside of school to share our ideas, process, and successes. The Boundary Movement will hopefully grow beyond just a blog to reach and influence communities around the world. Keep the dream alive!! The artists of Boundary Hall are dreamers and visionaries. We are doers. We are collaborators, teachers, and students with the most powerful, raw passion for what we do. We say yes. We don't put work before play because our work is our play. We are committed to putting our thoughts into action to change the world. In combining individual stories, talents, and mediums with positivity and spiritual awareness we will spread and BE The Boundary Movement.

Please put your information in the comments for an "Artists" page:
Name, website, email, skype name, a short artist statement, and a photo.

Also, invite anyone who you think would enjoy and embrace this!!! I love and miss you all!

I will be updating some more stuff over the next couple of days, like artist websites, calls for entry, and more posts. Stay tuned!